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Script (ver.4)

Writer's picture: Zaberina SiuZaberina Siu

Revised version


The screen was filled with grey. Suddenly, a black figure was pulled out from the grey and formed a shape of a swan. The swan opened its eyes to reveal the red, spread his wings and started to devour the remaining white. With the red eye remain in pure black, it faded into the first scene, with a house that has a red window with the shape of an eye.

Scene 1

EXT. Street – Day

In a very dark and depressing street, the camera zooms into a window of a building, where CROW lived. The camera pan across the room, with pictures of CROW and his wife living happily and waiting for the birth of their child. There are sounds of brushing teeth and wearing clothes in the background. CROW was holding a photo frame where the picture showed a couple of crow holding an egg. It appeared to be a family photo. He then touched the pendant on his neck, which is the same as the one his wife had in the photo. He then put down the photo frame on the table.

CROW then went downstairs (with even more pictures on the wall). He sat down on the chair, with a cereal box placed on the table. He looked at the empty eggshell in the corner. He began to pour out the cereal from the box and realized it is empty. He sighed and went out to buy cereal.

CROW was walking along the wall next to his house with a lot of propagandas about how they should obey the tyrant BLACK SWAN and how white animals were slaughtered for ‘justice’. When a bobby police walked by during patrol, CROW lowered his head raised his shoulder, avoiding eye contact with the bobby. He then noticed there was a little baby white animal behind being arrested and brought to execution. They made eye contact, but CROW could not bring himself into helping him.

He turned around and saw a poster with the tyrant looking directly at him. Suddenly, BLACK SWAN in the poster started to move and opened its eyes. Scared of the absolute power, CROW do not dare to look directly at the poster. BLACK SWAN’s eyes began to move around and look at other posters that has shown that it was their duty to execute white animals.

CROW pulled down his hat, pretending not to notice, and turned around to keep on walking towards the market, with the background showing the little baby animal was hung on the gallows. After a while, the noose suddenly shakes and the white animal escaped from the gallows.


Scene 2

INT. Home – Evening

CROW has finished his day job and went home for dinner. When he entered his home, he found something was inside of the egg shell he has kept at home. When the little ball of white turned and opened his eyes, he saw it was the baby white animal that was supposed to be executed just now on the street.


INT. Home – Evening

Inside the house, CROW and his wife were enjoying dinner. They were holding each other’s hands on the table, with eyes filled with hope and excitement. They looked at each other and at the egg sitting in the corner of the house. The air was filled with love and joy, waiting for the new born baby to join this loving family.

At night, they went to bed with egg between them, giving it the warmth and care it need in order to hatch. They drifted into sleep with the night sky shining on this loving family through the eye-shaped window.

In a small town where there is nearly no secret, CROW heard that the egg his wife has given birth to was hatching today when he is in the street. He then rushed back home to witness the birth. He entered his home and saw that he has already missed it, with his wife’s back facing him and holding the baby. He was overjoyed and approach the two. His wife turned and looked at him, with the face of fear and desperation. This facial expression stunned him. He stood there silently. His wife turned his body around with a ball of white in her arms. His baby had albino disease where all of his fur turned white. The baby was smiling and giggling, not knowing his fate. Forgot to close the door, Bobby patrolled by and saw what was in his wife’s arm.


The Bobbies rushed into the house, took the baby from his wife’s arms and brought it to the gallows. CROW and his wife begged and begged the bobby not to take their new born away. Yet, the bobby pushed them away ruthlessly. With the baby hung, the couple were in desperation. CROW’s wife committed suicide after the incident, leaving CROW in grief and depression.


The white animal was scared as it was still a baby trying to live in this harsh world. When he tried to escape from this place, CROW spread his wings and embraced him. The baby was still shivering from fear, but CROW just hugged it harder with love. Finally, knowing that CROW was not going to give him away, the baby was calmed.

Scene 3

INT. Home – Morning

Now the baby animal was living with CROW harmoniously. When he sits down to enjoy his morning coffee, the baby would push the chair for him and jump onto the table for his meal, which was the cereal the family used to have before.

INT. Home – Night

When CROW was sleeping in his bed, sometimes the baby would come out from the egg shell, slip into CROW’s bed and sleep next to him. They were like father and son.

Scene 4

EXT. Street – Evening

One day, when CROW was away for work, the baby saw a white animal was being attacked by the Bobbies. As a baby animal who was raised with a good heart, he rushed towards the door and bumped it open. He tried to stand against the Bobbies, but was being beaten in the public. As this was rarely seen in a society where everyone was for themselves, the whole town came and watch in awe.

CROW was going home early from work, bringing the baby’s favorite food. When he walked close to his home, he saw what has happened.


The food from his hands was fallen onto the ground. Unlike last time, he rushed towards the Bobbies and pushed them away. He opened his gigantic wings and shielded the baby.


The bobby was hitting him ferociously, with the town animals witnessing and confused.


EXT. Inside the wings of CROW

The two looked at each other. The baby looked at CROW with guilt and remorse, yet CROW just petted his head to comfort him and pull him closer. Their head touched each other and they both closed their eyes. Blood was dripping from the mouth of CROW. The baby white animal was looking at him in concern and fear. CROW struggles to lift his lips to form his last smile. He collapsed.


EXT. Street – Evening

The bobbies finally stopped when they saw him remain motionless. They were sure that he was dead and turned him over, revealing the little baby white animal. He was still holding onto the corpse of CROW, shaking him to try to wake him up from his ‘sleep’. Animals from the neighborhood started to come over and held the bobbies, preventing them from laying their hand on the baby animal. The baby animal hold CROW and started to shiver. Its horn started to grow around the corpse and formed a gigantic tree over the plaza, breaking the gallows. Everyone looked at the tree in awe.

The white citizens who were hidden in the shadow also came out to see the miracle. The black citizens saw them, but they just smiled. The two species admired the miracle together from a distance.


EXT. Few years later, Street – Day

The tree was stronger than ever with both black and white animals living harmoniously in town. Zooms back to the street where CROW has been putting on posters. Now there were posters about how the two race should live harmoniously.




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